How to Remove an E-brake Cable – A Comprehensive DIY Guide

Replacing an e-brake cable may seem like a daunting task, but it’s actually a relatively straightforward job that can be tackled with the right tools and some mechanical aptitude. Follow these steps to safely and efficiently remove your e-brake cable.

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Safety First

Before you begin, it’s crucial to ensure your safety. Park your vehicle on a level surface, engage the parking brake, and chock the wheels. Disconnect the negative terminal of your battery to prevent any electrical shocks. Wear safety glasses and gloves throughout the entire process.

Assess the Situation

Take some time to familiarize yourself with the e-brake system in your vehicle. Locate the e-brake lever inside the cabin, as well as the equalizer and cables connected to the rear wheels. This will help you identify the specific cable that needs to be replaced.

Disconnect the Cable from the Equalizer

Underneath your vehicle, locate the equalizer, which is usually situated near the center of the rear axle. Disconnect the e-brake cable from the equalizer by removing the cotter pin or bolt securing it. If there is a return spring attached to the cable, carefully detach it as well.

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Remove the Cable from the Brackets

Follow the e-brake cable along its route, noting where it is attached to brackets or other components. Use a wrench or socket set to loosen and remove the bolts or clamps holding the cable in place. Be careful not to damage any surrounding parts during this process.

Pull the Cable Through the Firewall

In most vehicles, the e-brake cable runs through a hole in the firewall. Carefully pull the cable through this hole from the inside of the vehicle. If you encounter any resistance, use a pair of pliers or a wire coat hanger to guide the cable through.

Remove the Cable from the Lever

Once the cable is disconnected from the firewall, locate where it attaches to the e-brake lever inside the cabin. Depending on your vehicle’s design, you may need to remove a trim panel or console to access the lever. Detach the cable from the lever and remove it completely from the vehicle.

Tips for Success

  • Use the right tools: Ensure you have the necessary wrenches, sockets, and pliers to complete the job.
  • Lubricate the new cable: Apply a small amount of grease or lubricant to the new cable before installing it to prevent corrosion and ensure smooth operation.
  • Inspect other components: While you have access to the e-brake system, take the opportunity to inspect the equalizer, brackets, and lever for any signs of wear or damage.


Q: How often should I replace my e-brake cable?

A: It varies depending on your driving habits and vehicle, but a general recommendation is to inspect and replace the cable every 50,000-100,000 miles.

Q: Can I drive my car without an e-brake cable?

A: No, you should not drive your vehicle without an e-brake cable. It is an essential safety feature that prevents your car from rolling while parked.

How To Remove E Brake Cable


By following these steps and observing the safety guidelines, you can safely remove the e-brake cable on your vehicle. If you have any doubts or concerns, do not hesitate to seek professional assistance from a certified mechanic.

Are you confident enough to tackle this project yourself? Let us know in the comments below.